Monday, 22 November 2010

St Francis Chapel Final Sports Sunday of 2010

Over the last year St Francis Chapel has become a force to recon with when it comes to Hold Sports Sunday. Once in a Qtr their Sunday school goes sports crazy where they gather the children and go through the KSM model. Of course in all projects there are adjustments St Francis doesn’t have a huge space which is a viable for sports but have a small grass area and a huge indoor hall. They started with around 350 children and have massively increased with this past Sunday 500 children over the three services amazing. Last Sunday we had great fun, they gave me football to teach at the 11am service with around 40 kids which u can see above.

Planning to do some coaching with their 20 strong team of volunteers early next year to equip them in new games they can do with their children. Exciting times.

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